Veteran Benefits Consulting
Our accredited veteran-led benefit consulting agency is dedicated to exclusively providing support to help veterans successfully navigate the claim submission and appeals process to receive their deserved non-taxable, disability benefits. Shillingford Consulting Group is based in Virginia and is equipped to proudly serve US military veterans throughout the United States and internationally.
Our VA Accredited Claims Agent Services are Perfect for:
VA Disability Claims
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Claims
Higher Level Review (HLR) / Informal Conferences
Appeals to the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA)
Appeals to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC)
Shillingford Consulting Group works on the behalf of our fellow veterans. We operate under the principle that all veterans should have the opportunity to receive their rightfully earned benefits.
Are you interested in representation and learning more about our services?
Please complete the contact form below to submit your information to our office. A Shillingford Consulting Group representative will be assigned to serve as your advocate and will respond within 72 business hours to discuss our services, the appeal process, and review the next steps.